Thursday, April 24, 2008

Bird Shit and Bad Luck

I've never been a particularly superstitious person. I've never owned a horse-shoe, a rabbit's foot, or any other lucky-animal-part. I guess I've just never felt the need. But, with my new temping "career", I feel like I've somehow become more in-tune with the fates. I've found myself noticing accidents, omens and all things that come about by happenstance. Yesterday I saw a guy talking to his girlfriend in Bryant Park. When he stood up to leave the ass of his pants was smeared with white and yellow pigeon shit. I spent a good portion of my lunch break trying to rationalize why this particular man sat in bird shit. What could he have done to deserve this?

For centuries philosophers have debated the amount of control that we humans actually have over our lives. Are we really as free as we think we are...?
I don't know the answer... But I do know that as a temp you can consciously forgo all control over your day-to-day. So, if you've ever asked yourself: "why am I here?" or "why should I bother doing anything when the universe will just determine my fate anyway?", try signing on to a standby temping program. You'll never want to leave anything to fate again.... ever.